Vacation behavior within generations: from Boomer to Generation Z

April 04, 2024
4 min

Generations differ from each other in various ways, including their values, beliefs, life experiences and the way they communicate and interact with technology. But also in terms of vacations. For example, there is a significant difference between the vacation behaviorrag of Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y (Millenials) and Generation Z that we would like to highlight for you. Here we focus on vacation preferences, destinations and booking/information behavior.

Baby boomers (1945 - 1960)

Baby boomers come from a time when travel was considered a luxury and are still heavily influenced by it. One result of this is that Baby Boomers are the biggest information gatherers when it comes to vacations. They spend a lot of time researching and planning their trips, carefully considering every detail to make sure their vacation is seamless. To find this information, Baby Boomers remain loyal to old media as a source of information for their travel planning. Thus, they are adept at gathering information from traditional sources such as travel programs, trade shows and travel guides. Thereby, while booking a vacation, Baby Boomers usually choose a travel and accommodation package so that everything is taken care of.

Baby boomers are further travel savvy than ever and like to choose long vacations. Thus, they are often about "taking the trip they had always wanted to take." Their vacation preferences include destinations in nature and city trips. During nature trips, recreational cycling is a popular activity.

Generation X (1961 - 1980)

Like Baby Boomers, Generation X comes from a time when travel was a luxury and for this reason they also like to choose a travel and accommodation package. However, this generation prefers to stay close to home because they are practical and less easily satisfied. The vacation, if it is booked at all, should always be planned well in advance and no crazy extras need to be added. Furthermore, this group usually chooses a beach vacation because this way they can recover from their busy jobs and for them a vacation near the beach equals the luxury they did not know before.

Generation Y, also known as Millenials (1981-1995)

For Millennials, on the other hand, travel is not just a luxury; it is an essential part of their identity. What matters to them is the experience, not the possession. Thus, Millenials prefer to travel rather than invest in possessions. In this regard, Millenials prefer foreign travel to domestic travel.

This generation is further highly connected to the world through the Internet and social media. As a result, they are constantly aware of new destinations, travel experiences and trends. They often rely on online reviews and social media for inspiration and recommendations when planning their vacations. The influence of social media on Millennials' vacation behavior is significant. Sharing travel experiences on platforms such as Instagram and TikTok plays a big role in how they experience and live their vacations. For them, it is not only about the destination itself, but also about sharing that experience with others.

What is notable, however, is that despite their love of travel, millennials take relatively less frequent and shorter vacations than older generations. Their approach to vacations is more fragmented, with last-minute bookings and booking separate parts leading to a sense of freedom and spontaneity. Compared to older generations, Millennials are also more price-conscious when planning their trips. They are looking for unique experiences at a good price and don't mind making concessions in exchange for discounts.

Generation Z (1995 - now)

Generation Z resembles Millenials in vacation behavior, but experience a greater degree of freedom compared to previous generations. For them, having Internet on their phone is not only taken for granted, but it is rather the question of what they do not use their phone for.

This is because these young people have grown up in a time when digital technology has become the norm. It has broadened their worldview, giving them a greater interest in other cultures and making them eager to travel or even study there. In doing so, authenticity and flexibility remain important values for Generation Z as well. Also, Generation Z likes to look for adventure and during a vacation they choose activities such as paragliding or bungee jumping.

However, not all digital natives of Generation Z take frequent vacations. Financial constraints often play a role here, given that this generation is still in a phase of limited finances, such as students or people at the beginning of their careers. Thus, Generation Z also frequently goes on vacation within the Netherlands to a seaside resort.

Despite limited finances, these young people do tend to participate more in group travel. This can be attributed to their desire for social connection, sharing experiences and exploring new destinations together with peers. The same applies here to solo travel, where they get to know new people while traveling. Think backpacking, for example.

So, in short, all generations are very different in their vacation behavior. It is important to take this into account in your communications. So think carefully about which generation you want to reach and then consider how best to reach them.


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