Discover the emerging destination of Madeira

December 21, 2023
3 min

The popularity of the Portuguese island of Madeira has soared in the past year, and not surprisingly so. Due to its location close to Morocco, the weather there is wonderful all year round, and you are in a unique destination away from the crowds, where there is enough to do to have a great time throughout your vacation.

Madeira's nickname is the Island of Flowers. It always seems like spring in Madeira because of the lush flowers that grow and bloom everywhere. You see them against the rock walls, along the hiking trails and in all the markets there are bunches full of them for sale.

On the island itself there is much to do during a vacation. We take you through the most beautiful places on the island.

Madeira, the hiking paradise

If you are a lover of hiking, Madeira is one of the best destinations in Europe. On the island you will find no less than 200 hiking trails across the most beautiful nature. Thanks to the pleasant climate, it is also always possible to go for a walk, whether you go for a short detour or for a few days.

Madeira is a volcanic island with many mountains. For example, hike to the highest point on the island: Pico Ruivo. From here you have a magnificent view. But also take a hike along the rugged cliffs of the coast or straight through the jungle during a famous Levada hike.

Explore the capital city of Funchal

The capital of Madeira is Funchal, and this is a fine city to stay or visit during your vacation. In Funchal, above all, you will find a lot of conviviality. There are many terraces where you can relax, markets where you can buy local fruits, vegetables or flowers and beautiful gardens and parks to walk through. Also take the cable car in Funchal. This will take you to a beautiful botanical garden from where you will have a great view of the city.

The lava baths of Porto Moniz

Porto Moniz is an unmissable stop during your vacation in Madeira. Here you will find volcanic pools in which you can swim. The pools were formed by lava and filled with seawater from the Atlantic Ocean. Wonderful for a day of unwinding.

Discover the local cuisine

Madeira also offers great food and drink. Wine is made on the island itself. This Madeira wine is known for its long shelf life. Other specialties on Madeira include Bolo do Caco (a type of bread), Espetada em Pau de Laura (beef on a skewer) and Espada (black dough fish). Throughout the island you will find many restaurants serving the local specialties.

Meet dolphins and whales

Due to the island's beautiful location in the Atlantic Ocean, it is also quite possible to spot dolphins and whales during a boat trip (and sometimes even from the shore). Throughout the year, more than 20 different species of dolphins and whales can be found around the island. Several excursions go from the wharf in search of the animals. From April to October you have the greatest chance of spotting them.

Looking for more information about a vacation to Madeira? Then visit Mardouro Travel, Dorisol Hotels, Spi Travel and Visit Portugal, among others, at Vakantiebeurs 2024.


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