Bleisure Travel: the rise of vacation and work in one

December 19, 2023
3 min

Bleisure is an amalgamation of the words "business" and "leisure. Bleisure Travel is therefore a trip that combines work and vacation. This form of travel is becoming increasingly popular. The fact that many people can work remotely makes it easier to stay away from home longer without taking vacation days. In addition, there is a renewed interest in travel after the pandemic, and what could be easier than discovering a destination you have to go to for work anyway?

Different forms of Bleisure

Different types of Bleisure trips can be distinguished. Many people extend their business trip with a weekend or midweek, for example, so that they can still see something of the area at their destination. But what is also happening more and more is a family vacation combined with a business trip. Then the partner and children also come to the destination after the business part of the trip is completed.

In a world where a good work-life balance has become increasingly important for employees, this is not a very strange trend. In addition, a Bleisure vacation can also save a lot of money. The trip to the destination is often paid for by the employer and, of course, so is the time spent at work. Also, consumers on a Bleisure trip are more flexible with departure dates, allowing them to book a cheaper return flight over the weekend, for example. This can significantly reduce the cost of a vacation.

How do you capitalize on this trend?

For an organization in the travel industry to respond well to this Bleisure trend, there are a number of factors to consider.

  • Provide good working conditions
    The place of accommodation for travel should meet the requirements of a good workplace. So provide good wifi, but a workspace with screens and power outlets is also useful for the business traveler. But a good restaurant nearby also helps attract the business traveler.
  • Clearly show that you are promoting bleisure
    On your promotional channels such as your website, draw attention to Bleisure. In addition to all the business opportunities your organization offers, it is advisable to highlight the surrounding area as well. Why is your destination such a great place to vacation? Do not forget about families for consumers who want to combine a family vacation with business travel.
  • Make Bleisure attractive with promotions
    To make it extra attractive for the business traveler to stay longer in location, promotions regarding these trips are recommended. For example, consider a discount to stay extra nights. But extras such as bike rentals or an activity nearby can also help guests stay longer.

In 2024, we will only see the Bleisure Travel trend grow and thus is advisable to capitalize on this audience if it suits your business.



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